Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Seven Keys to Choosing your friends!

Keys to Choosing Your Friends Are:

1. Do they have a good track record?
You can tell a lot about people by what they have done. A lot of people talk the talk but the question is, are they actually living what they are talking about? Jesus said we can know a person by his fruit or actions (Matt. 12:33). They can say they are moral and have high standards, but what do their actions say?
2.Do they respect your principles?
You have strong morals and say, “I believe sex should be saved for marriage.” Then if someone who claims to be your friend keeps pushing you to compromise your morals. GET AWAY! They are probably not your friend. A true friend will try to increase your deposit with God, not take away from it! (Prov. 13:20).
3.Do they give or receive ministry from you?
Jesus said if you are not hot or cold, He will spew you out of His mouth. Don’t be neutral! I also don’t want to spend most of my time with people that are neutral. I really enjoy hanging around people that I can give to, and will receive from me; or people that deposit good character into my life. I’ve found that my close friends do both. There are some days God really gives me something for them and other times they have something for me.
4.Do they sharpen your ax?
Are you improved by being with this person? I thank God for people that sharpen me and make me a better person, and that’s exactly what good friends will do (Prov. 27:17). It’s essential to have friends that sharpen and challenge us, egging us on to excellence.
5.Do they build you up?
God wants us built up, not beat up. I’ve found some people, because of their personal self-esteem, love to rip the people they are around to shreds with their words. I wonder, why would anybody hang around somebody like that? Just to be accepted by them? You don’t need to waste your time with people like that. We are to encourage one another and build each other up. Make sure the people you spend your time with do the same (1 Thess. 5:11).
6.Do they treat others well?
I’ve got a friend that told me the quickest way to found out about someone is to find out what he is saying about others. If people are selfish and judgmental toward others, I can promise eventually they will be that way toward you (Rom. 13:9).
7.Do they encourage your destiny?
I am so grateful for the people God brings across my path! Those friends will believe in you more that you believe in yourself. They see something in you that nobody else sees! They don’t want to exploit your gifts or manipulate you for their personal advantage, but they want to see you walk in God’s destiny, reaching your full, rich potential.
The people we should be hanging with should be encouragers and not discouragers. God puts it this way in Ephesians 4:29: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
If a person is not a wholesome talker, and isn’t building you up for your benefit, find someone who is.
If you want to grow and maximize your gifts and calling, choosing your friends is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Remember, if we want friends in our lives that have these seven qualities, we need to show ourselves friendly with the same qualities (Prov. 18:24.)
I praise the Lord right now for my good friends. They are a blessing to me in many ways. Every one wants to feel wanted, needed, love, respected and the list is endless. True friends will make you feel this way! Mine do.
Another blessing is that I can say that my kids and wife are my closest friends this side of heaven.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bobby, I love you man!Thanks for ministering to me today. I've been praying for your shrimp boat, I hope you guys will catch a mess of shrimp especially after the storm last night.

6:17 PM  

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