Thursday, September 28, 2006

Who are You?

Good afternoon world. I pray God’s blessings in your life.

This past weekend was a good one. My wife and I along with our grandson went to see our son Bernie. He is in Greenwood S.C. at a Christian rehabilitation Home. It is called the “Faith Home.” They operate from faith. It is a really cool place. They have about 50 men at this one home and they are all being fed the Word of God. In other words it is a Christian based Home.

It was a blessing to see all the men, all ages, trying to get restored or to become the person that God created them to be. One thing I have learned in my life is this, “You cannot become who God wants you to be until you drop who you used to be.”

I know that is a mouth full but it is so true. Often we get sidetracked in life and we fall into the world and we become something or someone else other than the person God intended us to be. Some one would say, “If God is in control how can a person become someone other than whom God intended?” I don’t know all the answers to the problems in life but I do know that God has given us freedom of choice. Often the choices we make lead us away from God and thus away from whom He created us to be.

So my question to you is this, “Who are you?” Are you becoming the person God created you to be or are you becoming the person who is walking away from God and becoming a person of the world?

The worst thing that could ever happen to us is for God to turn us over to ourselves. "
He does this only when we disregard Him and His commands for our lives. This is what I saw this past weekend. Men and women who have been turned over to their sinful nature because of the choices they have made in life. But now they have new hope because, somewhere, something has happened to them and they came to realize that they needed help. They are now at a home of Faith. A home where they are being transformed into the person they were created to be.

Romans 12: 1-2 gives us some great insight. 1) “Therefore, I urge you, brothers in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. 2) Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

There is a bunch of good stuff in these two verses and I feel that we should look into them so we can see God’s direction for each of us.

First Paul urges us to look at God’s mercy. Mercy is not receiving what we deserve. To me this means that if we don’t take God’s mercy into consideration and ask forgiveness from our sins, we will get what we deserve. Now what you and I deserve is hell but because of God’s mercy, if we trust and follow Him we will be excused from the damnation of the devil’s big cookout!

Next step would be, after taking the mercy of God into view, we should offer our bodies as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God. This may seem a little hard to understand but just look at the words in there face value. If we offer our body to God for His good purpose then we will be doing more times than not, just what He would have us to do.

To read these words is one thing but to do what they say is hard. I would tell whom ever, that even though it is not easy to do, if you try, it does get easier to do as time goes by. The plan works, but you have to work the plan and it does take a conscious effort.

Next, the scripture says, “This is your spiritual act of worship.” We each need to know what this means. It tells me that this type of worship does not necessarily have to be done in a church building. This spiritual act of worship comes from the conscious effort that we make when we consider God’s mercy and offer ourselves as living sacrifices. This can be done at home, at work, in the shower, walking or driving down the road or whatever the case may be.

In the first part of the second verse of this text is where I begin seeing the people from my weekend at the Faith Home. This part says, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world.” Now who is in charge of this part of the world Paul is talking about here?
The answer is Satan. He is the prince of this world. He is the great deceiver.

The Deceiver:

This is what he does and he is very good at it; after all he has more time than we do. We have to work and we have things we are trying to take care of, but all he does is spend his time sitting on the street corner figuring out ways to deceive all who looks his way.

The Dictionary defines the word 'deceit' as:
1) "The act of practice of deceiving; concealment or perversion of the truth for the purpose of misleading; fraud; cheating."
2) "An act or device intended to deceive; or trick."
The word 'deceive' means: "To mislead by a false appearance or statement; trick".

Satan is the great deceiver because he is the greatest concealer, the mightiest perverter of truth, the ultimate misleader, and the most convincing fraud and liar. Satan's goal is two pronged. He wishes to convince us that God is neither all-powerful nor all loving, and that he, Satan, seems to be something he really is not.

Satan deceives because he seems to appear where he really cannot be and he tries to tempt all people (even the saved), into venturing where they should not go.

So this is what has happened to the men and women that are in a state of recovery at the Faith Home. They have been deceived and mislead into believing Satan’s lies. He masquerades himself as and angel of light. What this means is that he can deceive us into believing that something bad or sinful is ok. He often masquerades himself and a sexy lady or man. He can come in the form of drugs or alcohol. He can convince us to lie and steal and many more things. Sadly the world is full, I mean full, of people that are living a life of deceit.

When we are deceived into believing Satan’s lies, then slowly we are conformed to the sinful nature of that part of the world he is in control of. This is why Paul in the first part of verse two tells us to “not conform” to the “pattern of this world.”

Now these people I am talking about, they have already been deceived and are living in the pattern or life style of the deceiver’s world.

What can be done?

Now it seems to me that Paul is talking to people who have already been deceived because he tells them, “but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This is what needs to happen to the people who have been deceived. They need to be transformed by the renewing of their minds.

Like a computer that has been programmed with infected formatting, the minds of these individuals need to be cleared up. (This could get real deep.)

The way that has transformed me in my life of recovery is the Living, active Word of God, which is Jesus Christ Himself. (Logos)

When I surrendered my all to Him and offered myself as a living sacrifice, then He took charge and has lead me to the right people, to the right place and from there into the right plan, His plan and not my own or Satan’s.

Jesus has weapons for us to use to fight off evil and one is the “Sword of the Spirit,” which is the Word of God. (Eph. 6: 10-)

God’s will:
Many people say they want to be in God’s will but they are not even trying to do the things that are needed to walk on the right road. If we read the last part if verse two it gives this conclusion:

If want to live a life that is pleasing to God, then we must consider God’s mercy and then offer our lives as a living sacrifice which will please God. I sure want to do my best to please Him!

Then, if we are doing these things we will not only be walking in the will of the Lord but we will be able to “test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

As usual, I could go on for ever but I must get up and go to work. So listen, God has good, pleasing, and perfect plans for His children. He wants us to be transformed people with renewed minds, living to honor Him. Because He wants only what is best for us, and because He gave His Son to make our new lives possible, we should joyfully give ourselves as living sacrifices for His service.

Christians are called to, “Not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,” with its behavior and customs that are usually selfish and often corrupting. Many Christians wisely decide that much worldly behavior is off limits for them. Our refusal to conform to this world’s values however must go even deeper than the level of behavior or customs—it must be firmly planted in our minds—“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

It is possible to avoid most worldly customs and still be proud, covetous, selfish, stubborn, and arrogant. Only when the Holy Spirit renews, reeducated, and redirects our minds are we truly transformed.

Who are you?
Are you of the world and being led by the deceiver, or are you living to please God?

Romans 8:5 says this, “Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires, but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.”

Who are you and what do you desire?


Blogger Sandy said...

Good post Pops (G-Daddy)! I wish I could've gone (and stayed) at the Faith Home when you went. I guess I could've passed for a Graves sister! :) I can't wait to see the place. It sounds great! So, have you worked on what you are going to "speak" about yet???

12:24 PM  

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