Friday, March 02, 2007

The Key of Surrender

Hello blog world, I have been busy and haven't taken time time to post anything but here we go! This lesson or message is a long one and I know most people are to busy to sit down for a few minutes and read something like this. Listen, if we spent as much time reading or studing the Word of God as we do watching TV or even talking on the phone, we would be well equipped to handle whatever comes our way, so take some time, read this message and let the Holy Sprit work in your heart for the growing of your spirit..God bless each one!

Believe it or not, the need for spiritual renewal is evident all around us. People are hungry for truth……They want to know what the spiritual life is all about……Those who have never paid much attention to spiritual things are taking note……Those who have grown self-righteous in their religious practices are seeking something deeper……Those who have a personal relationship with God are rekindling the fires of their devotion.

People of all ages want more out of life……They are seeking God, and they want more than a Sunday religion; they want something that will make a difference every day of their lives.

People of all faiths, or previously no faith, are looking to spiritual things…... “People have a tremendous need for certainty, reassurance, and spiritual connection.”

you are reading this should be proof enough that even you need some spiritual renewal…… All the evidence you really need is your own desire for spiritual renewal with your own heart, mind, soul, and body……You want a deeper relationship with God, more meaningful relationships with loved ones, and the assurance that your life has value……In other words, you want faith that will transform your life.

As I have grown in my own spiritual walk with Christ I have learned something that I would like to share with you……. It is a special key…… I always look for keys, keys that open locks, keys to start my truck or boat, but this key I want to talk to you about is a spiritual key called “Surrender.”

This key is not something you use once and discard; it is to be used daily……Whenever you encounter a situation that seems to have a lock on it, the Bible has the key that will fit into the lock…… In all truth the Bible contains many keys for unlocking a spiritual store house of blessing……I want to talk about the key of surrender!

My prayer is that with this special key of surrender in place in your life, it will open the way to the discovery of many other keys that will open the doors that have been blocking your access to God and have been keeping you from finding and fulfilling the remarkable, satisfying purpose, He has in mind for you, whoever you are!!!
Jesus of Nazareth is Passing By:

The Crowds bustled in the dusty streets, jostling him, pushing him...... What was all the commotion? He pressed his portly frame through the mass of people……. He was not used to being pushed around, and he didn’t enjoy mingling with the masses…. But he had to find out what all the excitement was about.

Being a short man, he could not see over the heads of all the people pushing toward the street. “What is it?” he asked. ‘What’s all the excitement about?”

A man answered, “Jesus! Jesus of Nazareth of passing by.”

Zacchaeus had heard wild stories abut this Jesus, so wild in fact that he hardly could believe they were true…… Now he had an opportunity to see the man for himself; he could not let it go by…… So he ran ahead of the crowd and climbed up into a sycamore-fig tree along the route Jesus would take.
1) Question: What drove Zacchaeus up that tree? Curiosity? Perhaps……. But it could It could have been spiritual hunger, the hunger known all too well by those who have learned that, “Having it all” isn’t enough……Although Zacchaeus was rich and powerful—a chief tax collector whom the people both feared and hated—he was also needy…He needed God…He needed Jesus…

Zacchaeus was one of many who sought Jesus that day…… It was a diverse assembly, but they all had one thing in common with each other and with you and me……They were seeking…Some may have been seeking a good time, (Word probably had spread that Jesus had turned water into wine at a wedding celebration)……. Some may have been seeking a handout, (Jesus had made meals multiply on a Galilean hillside)…… Some may have been in need of physical healing, (Jesus had healed a man with leprosy, the most dreaded disease of that time)……. Some, having reached the end of themselves, may have come needing a new start……They could have been seeking many other thing we humans long for……The important point is, none were satisfied; they all longed to have, “enough…” And enough meant more—even to Zacchaeus, the one who already had more than most……

Zacchaeus probably didn’t expect to noticed by Jesus that day……More likely, he expected to be rejected by this holy man……After all, Zacchaeus was a notorious sinner...But when Jesus came by, He looked up t Zac and called him by name……”Zacchaeus!” he said, “Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today!”
So Zacchaeus climbed down from the tree and welcomed Jesus gladly.

This caused quite a stir among the people……They were stunned that Jesus would spend time with such an evil person…….But being in the presence of Jesus caused a transformation in Zacchaeus……He stood up and said, “I will give half my wealth to the poor, Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give them back four times as much”!

“Salvation has come to this home today,” Jesus announced, “For this man has shown himself to be a true son of Abraham. For the Son of Man come to seek and save those who are lost” (Luke 19: 1-10).

Now, what happened to Zacchaeus is a picture of what can happen to each of us; it is without a doubt, what needs to happen in every day life—dramatic transformation and spiritual renewal.

This kind of surrender and the resulting spiritual renewal begins the same way for every person—the seemingly untroubled as well as the most desperate…It begins with a kind of empty hunger, with a logic that there has to be more.

Perhaps your life is completely out of control and surging toward destruction…Or perhaps you’re realizing that you’ve been deceived by western civilization’s biggest lie: having the best of this world’s things will bring satisfaction…Or perhaps you go the church three times a week and still feel as if something is missing! !! Soul hunger is the same whether we live in the White House or in a shelter for the homeless; whether we are the latest sex symbol or a devoted wife and mother; whether we are President Bush or a common working man……
Whosever we are, wherever life has taken us, however much we have or don’t have, we hunger for more---something richer, deeper, prettier, tastier, faster, or more satisfying…….Some people acknowledge their hunger and seek to satisfy it in socially acceptable ways: education, career, family, friends, or public service……

Others, not realizing that the emptiness they feel is common to everyone, become angry and attempt to satisfy their hunger in socially unacceptable ways: illicit sex, the misuse of drugs and alcohol, or violence
Whatever category of behavior we fall into, our need is the same: God…. And the only way to have God is to surrender to Him…

What Surrender Is Not!!

Surrender is not a bargaining tool we use to get what we want from God; surrender is giving ourselves to Him……Nor is it trying to cut a deal with God: If God will give me the “Happy ending” I have scripted for my life, I will go to church and give money to charity… That is manipulation, not surrender…… Surrender is trusting God to write and direct the path of our lives…
Surrender is not conditional; it is a commitment to serve God no matter what: whether we get the job or not, whether our child dies or not; whether my boyfriend or girlfriend brakes up with me or not, whether we live in an apartment or a mansion……Surrender is to God alone, not to what God can do and not to what we expect God to do!

Surrender is not anxiously waiting for God to deliver the results we demand……. Instead, it is being satisfied with the results He gives; it means being content with God and the blessings of His Kingdom in our lives……God does promise to answer prayer, but if we start orchestrating our own answers when God doesn’t respond in our way or in our time, we have not surrendered……Our own abilities to solve problems may lead us to believe that God will sprinkle “Holy Water” on our human solutions or that He will sign on as a troubleshooting consultant for our freelance problem—solving business……Not so……God calls us to surrender to Him; He will not surrender to us!!!!!

Surrender is not a onetime event……In the on going day-to-day reality of life, surrender needs to be an ongoing behavior; it’s a process, not an event.

Those of us who have been Christians for a long time tend to think that we handled this surrender business years ago……We like to believe that surrender is for someone else, someone more desperate, someone in more trouble or more pain……Not True!!!

While there is a significant moment when we choose to give our lives to Christ, we must also do so constantly…..The Christian life is like a marriage……On their wedding day a man and women surrender themselves to one another……But to make the marriage work, they must yield to each other on a daily basis; they must continually remind themselves of their commitment and continually surrender their right to have their own way…

In the Christian life daily surrender is necessary because we have a dual nature—the new nature God gives when we trust Christ as Savior, and the old, sinful-inclined nature that resist submission to God’s commands.

What Surrender Is!!

The American Heritage College Dictionary defines “Surrender” In this way: “To yield to the power, control, or possession of another…; to give oneself over to something as an influence.”

People surrender every day……They yield to peer pressure, and they give themselves over to temptation……But that kind of surrender does not open the door to spiritual renewal……The surrender we speak of involves yielding or handing oneself up to the purposes of God and giving oneself up to the power of God’s kingdom…….
Surrender is admitting that we can’t handle life without God…..We stop pretending to be God, get off the throne of our lives, and let God rule……In short, surrender means to obey Him……

We come to God on His terms, accepting that He is God and that He can do with us whatever He wants, but trusting that because He is a God of love, whatever He wants to do with us will be for our ultimate good…

Surrender means that we allow God’s Holy Spirit to empower us to do the good He has planned for us to do……It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we can live as God intends, so surrender is a precondition to godly behavior……It is a process of abiding in, resting in, and yielding to Jesus---Just as the branch remains connected to and abides in the vine……When we continually surrender to God in this way, our lives will bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control……Surrender is centering our lives on God and relying on Him, not on ourselves……

Surrender is relying on others……God has made us incomplete and needing help from others, so He makes us part of a unit---the church……The Biblical descriptions that illustrate this theory are numerous……We are stones in God’s building, members of His family, and members of His body……All of these make the same point: We may come alone to God, but He makes us part of something much bigger than ourselves…

This idea goes against American independence……It cuts to the heart of human pride and self-sufficiency……Some people believe they don’t need anybody—including God……They laugh when anyone suggest that they should, “Let go and let God…” The Old “religion is a crutch” cliché comes easy to their lips, but only until they are bent under a burden they can no longer bear……And even when they go to God at the point of desperation, they do so only to try to get back whatever they have lost…

Surrender is impossible in a heart that is proud……Surrender requires humility, not only before God but also before fellow humans……Standing proud will keep us from bowing in surrender to the One who made us……This realization is accompanied by a powerful promise in God’s Word: “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up in honor” (James 4:10)……The principle of surrender may get more use than any other simply because it is something we need every day and in every area of life.
Surrender of Conduct:

A primary aspect of surrender involves personal morality……We cannot love God and at the same time replace God’s code of conduct with our own preferences regarding right and wrong……Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15).

God’s Word is clear::: While no one perfectly obeys God’s law, people who are part of His kingdom accept His Word as the only standard for morality……To surrender, then, means to bring ourselves into agreement with God’s rules and not try to convince God to agree with our own sinful rules, weakness, preferences, or whatever….

Some people surrender to God in their public lives but keep their private lives to themselves……For example, if an unhappily married woman spends time with attractive men other than her husband, she is leaving the door wide open to adultery, even though she hasn’t openly said yes to the idea……In doing so, she continues her courtship with the devil, the master of seduction…The same goes for a man, his conduct is very important.

When we obey God outwardly but allow our minds and hearts to remain unsurrendered, it’s only a matter of time until inward disobedience becomes outward sin…

Surrender of Thoughts:

God’s Highest commandment is to love God with heart, soul, and mind……This means that our thoughts are not off-limits to God’s control……If we permit ongoing daydreams or infatuations to grow or if we continue to entertain fantasies of anger or vengeance, we have an area of life that needs to be surrendered……Think about this for a moment…What do you think about all day long? You know the answer to that much better than I do……

Surrender of Feelings:

Dealing with feeling can be confusing!...... Often we feel this or that but do we really know how we feel……Often we say we feel this way, but, in truth, how do we feel……One of the most challenging area of surrender is that of the emotions……People sometimes excuse themselves by saying, “I can’t help it—that’s just the way I feel…” This kind of thinking assumes that emotions are so powerful that the will cannot stand against them……This false belief results in a lot of bad behavior, guilt, and the need for confession and restoration.

At the other extreme are those who deny their emotions……For example, Christians men who use pornography often do so as a way of having their physical needs “relieved” without risking emotional involvement with another human being……But God’s design for sexual satisfaction involves two people of opposite sex, who are bound together emotionally, mentally, spiritual, and physically……Some people pretend to everyone, including themselves, that they aren’t upset, anxious, or angry, but these emotions eventually influence their actions and relationships either consciously or subconsciously……

Whether we indulge our emotions or deny them, we’ve got trouble……Surrender involves our whole being, and any area that is unsurrendered, is a target for the enemy of the soul…

Surrender of Relationships:

All relationships need to be surrendered to God and be subject to His principles...Emotional involvement with certain people can create dependencies that take precedence over devotion to God or to another God-ordained relationship…If we have a relationship that we cannot pray about due to feeling of guilt, we can assume that we have not surrendered it to God…

Over involvement in a relationship may be an attempt to play God in someone else’s life……Some people think it is their role to “Fix” others, either by implicit manipulation (unspoken) or by explicit control, (Clear)……They may even feel empty unless someone is dependent on them……They crave the approval—sometimes even the worship—of people in their lives, and their inability to let go reveals and unhealthy need for affection and admiration.

If we try to force relationships to happen rather than wait for God to meet our needs in His way and in His time, our clumsy attempts to please, reform, or possess people may drive them away rather than build healthy, two-way relationships…

Surrender of Time:

The use of time is fundamental to the surrendered life……If we speak of surrender to God on one hand while reserving our schedule, and the things we do with it, as our own, we will end up living in conflict and frustration……
I am not saying that all your time should be involved in church related programs but I am saying that we need to have a healthy balance with all the activities in our life……

Surrender of Career:

When commitments obstruct with our ability to keep the priorities God describes in His Word, they need to be reexamined……
We can even give too much of ourselves to good things like volunteerism, fitness, and church activities—perhaps to the harm of our physical health and/or our family’s well being……

All this boils down to one point: Surrender means that we resign from being the ultimate ruler of our lives and yield to the righteous rule of God

We Surrender to a King:

Job was a “righteous man” who got caught in the middle of an argument between the Almighty and the devil……Job’s blessed life was unexpectedly plagued, and he wanted to know why……What was happening didn’t make sense to him……His friends all blamed him, and his wife told him to cruse God and die……But Job persisted in trying to understand God……Finally---after listening to his friends give their views of God---Job heard from God Himself……God didn’t answer Job’s question; instead He posed some powerful questions of His own……(Job. 38-40)

(Job 38: 1-13) Then the LORD answered Job from the whirlwind: “Who is this that questions My wisdom and with such ignorant words? Brace yourself like a man, because I have some questions for you, and you must answer them……Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell ME, if you know so much……Who determined its dimensions and stretched out the surveying line? What supports its foundation, an who laid its cornerstone as the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy? Who kept the sea inside of it boundaries as it burst from the womb, and as I clothed it with clouds and wrapped it in thick darkness? For I locked it behind barred gates, limiting it shores…I said, ‘this far and no farther will you come……Here your proud waves must stop!’ Have you ever commanded the morning to appear and caused the dawn to rise in the east? Have you made daylight spread to the ends of the earth, to bring an end to the night’s wickedness?”

(Job 40:1-5) Then the LORD said to Job, “Do you still want to argue with the Almighty? You are God’s critic, but do you have the answers?” Then Job replied to the LORD. “I am nothing—how could I ever find the answers? I will cover my mouth with my hand……I have said too much already……I have nothing more to say……

Anyone who has a personal encounter with God has a similar response…It is dangerous to think we know God’s mind, His will or His intentions……To fear God is, in part, to recognize His “Otherness.” Yes He revealed Himself through Jesus Christ……But He did not cease to be the mysterious and relentlessly powerful Yahweh……It is, in fact, for this very reason that we surrender to Him…..He is immeasurably greater that we are…..

He knows the beginning from the end, He knows which day we will meet Him face to face…He is God and besides Him there is no other, He is God all by Himself…

Why Avoid Surrender?

Most people don’t surrender to God because they are afraid they will have to give up some pet sin that they have been holding on to……Most people fight desperately before surrendering……Some people strangle themselves to death on the very things they’re using to pull themselves up……Many people die without surrendering to God because they had to much pride to bring the problem (Drugs, alcohol, whatever) to God and surrender it to Him completely.

Why is human nature so resistant to surrender?

This is no new dilemma……The moment humans realized that self—rule was an option, surrender to God became an unpopular choice……The temptation presented to Adam and Eve is offered to each of us every day: “You will become just like God.” Time and time again, human beings submit to the idea of sitting on the throne of their own lives, thinking they will be happy and fulfilled if only they can judge, control, manipulate, and operate their little corner of the universe.

People in this method of thinking have a warped view of God…They have reduced Him to a genie in a bottle whose purpose is to obey their foolish human commands…This is why this key to spiritual renewal is surrender, not control……

Every unsuccessful attempt we make to power our way through our circumstances is an act of contempt toward the one who allowed the circumstances—perhaps even designed them—to draw us into communion with Himself and to develop His nature in us…

The apostle Peter explained this when he wrote in 2nd Peter 1:3-4……

By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life……We have received all of this by coming to know Him, the one who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence……And because of His glory and excellence, He has given us great an precious promises……These are the promised that enable you to share His diving nature and escape the worlds corruption caused by human desires……

People want a God whose actions are predictable, a God who doesn’t allow disease, bankruptcy, famines, or wars……But despite our protest, God allows these evils to exist……Surrender means accepting life as it is and submitting to God in the midst of whatever happens……

Some people fear what might happen if they surrender to God, who is unpredictable……They fear having to get along without the drug or sex or whatever behavior they use to ease their pain……Some fear poverty and thus clutch tightly at material things while losing their grip on that which is eternal…Others fear darkness or rejection or punishment……Some fear that God will squander their talents or keep them from reaching their goals…..

John, the beloved disciple of Jesus, wrote in, (1st John 4:18 NIV) “There is no fear in love……But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment…….The One who fears in made perfect in love…”

Listen I could go on forever with this topic but when fear keeps us from surrendering to God, we pray that He will reveal Himself as a God of love…When we see God in the light of his power and love, we will no longer fear surrender.

Benefits of Surrender:

When we stop trying to clean up our shattered hoped, twisted plans, and broken agendas, God has room to work……He can remove the clutter, restore the good, and bring order and beauty out of our chaos……God can be amazingly creative when we get out of His way and give Him room to work……
We can be relieved of the guilt, failure, and regret that so often accompany disappointments……
When we recognize that God, and God alone, has the power to realign our lives according to His will, we will be able to relax and await His timely intervention…
Surrender to God will lead us away from sin……When we stop planting seeds of sin, we no longer will have to reap its deadly harvest……Troubles come to all, but there is devastation that strikes the ungodly with viciousness as a direct result of sin…Surrender to God will spare us this. King David wrote, “The righteous person faces many troubles, but he LORD come to the rescue each time,” (Psalm 34:19)

When we surrender, we become like clay in God’s hands….Allowing God’s grace to mold us means putting our lives into His hands and saying, “Do with me as you will.” As the prophet wrote…”Does a clay pot argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying, ‘Stop, you’re doing it wrong!’ Does the pot exclaim, ‘How clumsy can you be? (Isaiah 45:9)
How to Seek God and Surrender to Him!!!

1.Humble yourself before the God of the Universe…
2.Give up your efforts to change others and let God change you instead…
3.Don’t insist on having your own way, but instead submit to God’s way…
4.Admit that god is all-powerful and place your life under His righteous rule…
5.Submit to god’s way of doing things even when you don’t understand…
6.Seek God’s Kingdom and put God first in your life…
7.Pray, “I want your will, not mine”….
8.Become childlike in your obedience to God, your Heavenly Father!!
9.Realize that you cannot become who God wants you to be until you drop who you used to be!!

10. Always remember that if we do not surrender to Him, we might be giving up the greatest for the least!!


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