Thursday, July 03, 2008


I recently read an article about a pastor who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer…The doctors had told him that his time was very limited and to get his house in order…

Now I realize that many times when human doctors give out such a theory as this, they are basing it on human knowledge… which is not always wrong, but what does the Holy Doctor say…He says, “walk by faith…not by sight…”

Now I know it is hard to walk by faith when you have been told you are dying and it want be long and your life here on earth will be over…

This man in this story did what I guess many of us would do, he started to do a self check of his life…I know I would do this if someone had told me my life could be over soon…But listen to this, each one of us, has no guarantee of tomorrow…Shucks, for that matter we don’t even have a guarantee that we will make it through this day, this hour, or this minute… …

These “death check,” questions are very serious questions, but I want to say that they should not just be questions that we ask when we have been given a death date…Listen, we all have a death date and a person does not need to have terminal cancer to keep that appointment with the death doctor…

Here are the questions that we should ask ourselves, not just in bad times but each day…each minute…each second…

1) Am I really dead to self and alive to Christ?
2) Can I really say that to live is Christ, and to die is gain?
3) What difference has my life made?
4) Has my life really mattered?
5) What will they say about me when I am dead and gone?
6) What will my wife think?
7) Will I have made a difference in the lives of my family, especially my children?
8) Do I spend too much time doing things that are not important?
9) What is really important?
10) Did my life really make any difference at all?
11) Am I really trying to help others more that my self?

I believe the most important question that we should ask is this…What will God say about me? (Matt. 7: 21-23).

Right now God already knows the answer to all of these question…But if your are able to read this or hear it, then you still have a chance to make adjustments in your life and actions…You have the privilege of serving a God who is a Father of second chances…Actually He is the God on many chances…

Do you need another chance? If so, now is the time to make the adjustments that are necessary…As for me, I have already started looking at myself and doing my best to bring my life into line with the will of God…If we each will do this, “seek God’s will for our lives,” the answer to all the questions of life will start to come into focus…It is not always easy, but if we walk by faith we will always be able to get a “life enhancing Prognosis” from the only Doctor that matters…

Oh, by the way, the Pastor who was given a death date, has been healed by the power of God…He is still preaching, still teaching and still, like the rest of us, has a death date only know by the giver of life Himself…God Almighty…


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